Andon Systems

Andon Systems

What is Andon?

Andon, in simple terms, is a visual signalling system which is used to indicate a problem in production area that hampers the process or causes a quality issue. In the center of the system, there is a stack light or a screen. The human operator or the malfunctioning machine itself may activate the stack light or screen to indicate the problem, and the service personnel quickly attempts to solve the issue. So the downtime becomes minimal.

Origin of the Andon System

If we look at the origins of Andon, we see that it extends to WWII.  Japanese companies, whose industrial capabilities were so little due to recently ended war, had to find a way to keep up with their American rivals. So Toyota came up with the "Toyota Production System", a production mentality that minimizes waste and maximizes efficiency. By improving this production philosophy over time, they were able to even surpass their American rivals and become giants in industry.

There are 2 main pillars in the "House of Toyota", one is JIT(Just in Time manufacturing, which aims to minimize material stock and estimate demand) and another one is "Jidoka"(can be defined as "Autonomation" in production quality management). As you can see, Andon system is an indispensable element of Jidoka; thanks to Andon system, the issues in production process are notified and time needed for solution is minimized.


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